Thursday, 16 June 2011

Rocket launcher man is done (except for the base I shall finish this later), need to work on painting metals, Looking at this photo it looks like I smudged the Ultramarines U I painted on his knee but overall I'm happy with it.... NEXT!!

Hmm not quite sure which to attempt next, I could repaint the 2 with the old colour scheme or start on the best models.. All that's left to do for the Space Marines are the Squad leader, the captain and the dreadnought!! unless i have lost some guys? don't think I have though :P

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Bases complete!

Well almost...

A few require just the small details adding such as static grass etc.

Deffkopta bases

Dreadnought Base

And Terminator bases as well as My Ork Boss base

I have also been painting a few Ultramarines so i am making good progress and might one day actually finish painting these guys

The 2 on the right are my old chosen colours of painting and i may yet repaint these 2, bases still need finishing.

 Current WIP rocket launcher guy, I need to re do the claw as the black stripes went a little wrong...

Will update once i have finished this guy

Sunday, 5 June 2011

been away for a while!

Not posted on here for a while, and i know all of my loyal followers missed me *cough* 0 *cough*

I've been spending my free time on other things lately  such as playing WOW, got a Caannoo (open source handheld) and been reading the Horus Heresy books.

The Horus Hersey books are well worth a read if your in to the fluff and what not I am currently on Fulgrim so there is a bit of catching up to do but i do intend on doing this as they are great :D

Anyway I have decided to work on some of my bases for various models. Using this tutorial as a guide I have started tring to make half decent bases.

All i have done at the moment is add some small stones and sand to the bases.  I have covered 9 bases for the moment 3 from the deffkoptas, 1 from the dreadnought and the rest from the terminator squad

I shall leave them to dry and if i get chance will have a go at painting them tomorrow.

Also whilst out on a walk with my family today I  got a load of moss and and a couple of roots im sure they will come in handy when i come to adding to the bases