Friday, 2 March 2012

Blue Termagant

Here's the blue one, kind of rushed a little but looks ok. Yeah he still has mould lines and is a little messy in places but its more the colour scheme I'm testing out here.

One thing I realised is that I cannot paint the bone colour onto a black primer. It turns out awful and needing a lot of coats to make it any where near decent. Shame I discovered this after painting all my test nids black!

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Been away a while...

but now I'm back.

Right, first off there is a little change in direction. I have decided to give Tyranids a go. Reason for this is because I have always liked Tyranids love the idea of a swarm overwhelming the enemy but theres also a little matter of loosing half my Ultramaines and Orks i was working on! My lovely wife decided to tidy my computer/painting/chill out room and in doing this decided to cast my men into the warp. Some have returned, others have not, some are wounded and a couple are ok. I might decide to carry on with my Ultramarines and Orks at a later date.

Right onwards and upwards!

I have decided to paint a few nids in different styles and see which I like best, this will then be my chosen colour scheme. All my schemes are similar with one main colour change. Which is the colour on the carapace. The guy below (looks a little better IRL honest!) has red. I am going to mess around and try a few different colours such as green, blue and maybe yellow.

Took me ages to paint!

I will change a few minor details such as the gun colour as well but it is pretty much going to be the same scheme throughout.