Saturday, 20 February 2016

Tanks a lot!

Whirlwind and the predator are made up bar the tracks. Last time I built it after painting the inside but didn't bother with it there really is no point as you don't see it. 

Had a go at making some objective markers. Made 6 altogether, I had the idea of having the objective number look like they are a part of the scenery. The number of the markers will be apart of it as well for example one has a shoulder guard and on it will be a number from 1 to 6.  Also each marker has a reason why each would possible be an objective. Such as the missiles or homing beacon. Just a little idea thought it would be better than using dice. 

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Emergency brakes on!!

First off land speeder done. 

I'm thinking it might want a little more weathering but I didn't want to over do it so I'll think about it. 

Right I have spent a silly amount of money on these plastic toy soldiers so it's time I hit the brakes a little. My eBay win came, and I got my whirlwind and predator. I have a stupid amount of models to crack on with the now and that's not even including the dark eldar (more on them in a bit.)


So I am going to work on the new whirlwind, Techmarine and predator this month for the tournament. 

I also picked up a dark eldar codex. I really like the dark eldar and since starting up I always had in mind to have a good and bad army so to speak. I love the fluff behind the dark eldar and the models are awesome. They are deadly in close combat too. I managed to win 40 Wyches on eBay (bloody 40! I was silly bidding just because it was on 99p and won them). My idea is just a small army to start with but it will be a few months off yet. I shall practice my technique on these Wyches. 

And last and pretty much least completely unrelated  I came home to this the other day

My wife bought a bloody dog!!! Oh well least it's tiny.....

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Moar Men Needed sir!

I have been on eBay again and managed to snag an auction containing:

1 Commander (captain)
2 tactical squads
2 scout squads
1 command squad
1 assault squad 

It also came with a Kr multicase. I was really pleasantly surprised with the quality of this case. I had pondered over these before and came to the conclusion that the asking price for the Kr cases are way too much for what is essentially a cardboard box. That said after receiving this whilst it is cardboard it's really dense and feels nice and sturdy. I would defiantly consider getting another in the future. 

I have been watching a few air brushing techniques on YouTube and decided to give a high and low light technique a go. I took a model previously sprayed with yriel yellow all over. I then sprayed from below averland sunset then from above with flash gitz yellow. I'm so far happy with how it's turning out.  Have a photo it's not the best but you get the idea. 

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Assault Centurions done!

Finally finished my assault centurions. My wife bought me these as an early Christmas present at the start of December I think. 

Next up is the land speeder

My pictures are pretty poor looking at them. Not really surprising as I have been taking them with iPad and htc one m8 which has a shocking camera. 

Going to look at getting a better set up for my photos.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Techmarine stripper!

Got my new Techmarine from eBay yesterday plopped him into some dettol. I have taken it out tonight and removed the goopy paint. His left arm was plastic so I just made him a new one up out of some bits I have. 

He is good to go now and ready to prime. 

Friday, 5 February 2016

Whirlwind WIP

Just a quick photo of the Whirlwind. Made a good start on it tonight hopefully will be done tomorrow

Sentinels of Terra

I have just got the sentinels of terra supplement for the imperial fists. 

I know it will be old news but I have not looked at this before. Not sure I like the change of Lysander's warlord treat from Iron Resolve (feel no pain) to Champion of Humanity (12" of Lysander must re roll morale, pinning and fear tests). I read that the only effected rules from the supplement to 7th edition were with some mission rules but that unfortunately isn't the case. This change is going back 6th edition Lysander. Which I'm not wanting at all. 

Not like Lysander is be all and end all in an army but he is a monster of a man in a game. 

Close combat bolster drill looks interesting re roll all failed to hit at half range. 

Will have a better look later on. Looks to be some nice fluff in it too. 

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Rhino's making tracks

Finished the Rhino

Whirlwind next. 

The Painted troops

Thought I would show a few pictures of my army that is fully painted. Please excuse the photography it was done on my phone with a backdrop i quickly printed off.

First up is my 1st Tactical Squad. These were my first models in this army.

The 2nd Tactical squad I bought off of ebay and were in a poor state. I don't by any stretch of my imagination think I'm an excellent painter but I am happy with how they ended up.


Into the Dettol!

A quick comparisson:


Next up my scouts that were also off of ebay. I cannot remember if I stripped these or they came unpainted?

My Captain:



Darnath Lysander was given to me in return for me buying one of the lads a few coffees. It is the metal one as well which was really nice of him. The only bit missing was his skull and scroll from on top but I made one out of my bits box.

Chaplain in terminator armour, a fairly recent one I have finished:

My Thunderfire cannon. I love this guy he can wipe out loads of troops. I will be getting a couple more of these in the future. I really wasn't impressed with the fine cast model though. The plating on the Thunderfire cannon was really badly warped and although I attempted to reshape it in boiling water it is still pretty annoyingly warped as you can see on the second picture.

My Devastator squad

My dreadnought. This was my first attempt at weathering/chipping a model and I wasn't really happy with it as I over did it a bit, but it's a learning curve. He started off already painted from ebay once again.

And that is all I have fully painted. I shall be keeping the pictures up to date from now on.

When two tanks go war....

Started to paint up the whirlwind and Rhino in time for the tournament that's gone up to 750 points from this week. 

The Rhino would be suitable for the tournament as it is but it isn't going in as it is. 

Never fully painted any vehicle before so these 2 will be the first.

The inside of the whirlwind is complete. I really should just glue it shut but i frustratingly can't.  Didn't spend half as much time on the interior of this as I did my land raider. I put far too much effort into the land raider interior that won't really be noticed. Plus I'm not one to force people to look at any of my models. I prefers people to look if they want and notice the small details I attempt to put in.